I have the wings of a chicken. But I have also been known to kill chickens. In this video, I show a chicken in the process of dying.

I’m not sure if anyone is watching this video, but the chicken looks like he’s about to do it with his head, neck, and wings. But he stops himself in time, and his neck falls just as he is about to die. I guess you could say I am a chicken chun dummy.

This is another cool video (and a great one at that!). Im not sure if you’ve seen it before, but this is my first time watching a chicken in a video. I’m not sure if it’s because I have never seen a chicken before, but I think chickens are pretty cool, so I decided to check it out.

I saw the same video when I was a kid, but I never saw a chicken until I was a little older. I guess I have my eyes open just a little when I see things like this.

What I have always wanted to see is a video of a chicken in action. I guess its just one of those things that have always been part of my childhood.

This video is actually the first time anyone has ever seen a chicken being used as a wing chun dummy. The idea is that the chicken will be able to run around with a bunch of other chickens without having to rely on its flappy legs. It won’t be able to jump, but it can glide quite well, so it might not be able to do any falling as much as a regular chicken.

The video itself is quite hilarious, but it’s the fact that wing chun dummies aren’t that much different from regular chun dummies that makes them so amusing. If you want to learn more about wing chun dummies, check out this excellent article.

The fact that wing chun dummies arent that much different from regular chun dummies makes them so amusing. The video itself is quite hilarious, but its the fact that wing chun dummies arent that much different from regular chun dummies that makes them so amusing. If you want to learn more about wing chun dummies, check out this excellent article.

The video, which is in the form of a quick-cut of a man’s face, is funny enough. But to have a man’s face cut-out and then re-assembled into a chun dummy and have it still be funny is great.

wing chun dummies are awesome. There’s no secret to making them, just the fact that the chun dummies have “wings” or “wings” or whatever you want to call them. The only trick is knowing what you’re looking for.