This is the most common question I get asked when I talk about Christianity. The idea of angels is so fascinating that I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know all that much about them. Yet, there are so many places I’ve looked that lead me to believe I do hold the belief that angels exist. In fact, I can’t imagine a more powerful way to connect with something greater than what I already know.
The idea of angels in Christianity is that we are able to see them, touch them, hear them, and even talk to them. That said, I think the more common idea is that they are simply manifestations of God. They don’t actually physically exist, so to speak, but they are a way of communicating with God. So we can talk to them, we can pray to them, and we can use their gifts of healing, teaching, etc. in our own lives.
The problem is that we are so used to talking with God, we forgot about connecting with the angels, and that’s a problem. The more effective way to connect with God is to acknowledge that He is already here, and that we can’t see Him, hear Him, or even touch Him, but that He is already here.
The way to connect with angels is to open up the mind to Him, and to acknowledge He is in the way of all things.
To connect with Angels, what you need is a willingness to believe in them. What you believe in is what you connect with. And when you connect with Angels, you are not only connecting with a higher power, you are connecting with the very essence of who God is. All of that is what we are talking about when we talk about the divine connection.
The best way to connect with Angels is to allow yourself to be receptive of their presence. You are already all in because you are already part of the divine. You are already part of the One. All that is required is to open up and allow yourself to be connected to the divine.
When you connect with angels, you are not only connecting with a higher power, you are connecting with the very essence of who God is. All of that is what we are talking about when we talk about the divine connection.The best way to connect with angels is to allow yourself to be receptive of their presence. You are already all in because you are already part of the divine. You are already part of the One.
That’s right, the One. We’re all connected.
We are all connected because we are all part of the divine. But we are also all connected because we are all part of the divine. We are connected because we are all part of the One. And we are connected because we are all part of God.
It is the same way as we are all connected to the divine. No one is separate from the One.
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